100 Days of Painting … Day 2 to Day 4.

It’s four days into my “100 Days of Painting”.

Day 2 saw me picking up 3 early GW halflings that I’d primed a couple weeks back, and applying some base color to them.

After having taken some 15 to 20 years off from the military miniatures, and upon the death of Gary Gygax in early 2008, I found myself curious as to what was going on in the hobby.  I walked into a few independent hobby stores, and discovered how much GW’s products had become a part of such stores’ business.  There were folks playing WFB and 40K inside these stores, yet this really wasn’t what I was looking for even though I had some experience with fantasy figures and gaming back in my youth.  I was more interested in finding historical figures and gaming.

However, these stores weren’t selling, nor involved with historical gaming, but my interest to begin painting and playing again had begun to return.  I began exploring the world of WFB, bought some paints and some Empire figures (because I liked the variety of figures that looked relatively historical), and began to once again experience some of the joy I had when first introduced to the hobby back in my younger days.  Since the beginning of my return to the hobby, my interest in WFB increased, even dabbling in 40K, yet as I began to rediscover the historical side of the hobby, and encountered the release of the 8th edition of WFB that wasn’t really to my liking, I gravitated back towards historical miniature painting and games.

And so I hadn’t painted fantasy figures in at least a few years.  Yet the change that GW has made in ditching WFB almost entirely, as it transforms itself in favor of a new set and style of rules, as well as new figures for their fantasy line, this has brought a new bit of focus for me on to a few projects that hadn’t been completed previously.

Then came Day 3, a Monday, and most folks are aware of what it can be like going back to work week routine.  I got up and didn’t include painting figures in my morning activities as I had hoped.  There seemed to be too many things fighting against starting an intended new piece of my morning routine.  Which means I found myself at a moment during the end of the day, where it was all I could do to move myself forward towards painting on the third day, as intended for this 100 day journey.  However, it didn’t take long for me to not want my task to come to an end that quickly, and so I picked up some 25/28mm gun carriages for some wooden ships’ cannon barrels, and put some paint on them.

Day 4 brought me placing the cannon barrels onto the carriages.  Yet I became disappointed with being able to see mold lines on them, after having put paint on them previously, and began the process of removing the eye sores, and thus also causing me to repaint the barrels as my painting for the fourth day.  Another weekday project, which although not much to it, just enough to keep the short streak alive for the other days in front, where I hope to wack away more on projects like the 40mm AWI and 28mm halflings of my first two days.  And other items, too!